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OTC tan or salon tan?

I am very pale, VERY pale and I am taking my bridal portraits in the 29th of this month. I tried on my dress last night only to notice a "convertible tan" as my FI calls it. I own a convertible and never really noticed that my chest, back, upper arms, and legs are as white as paper while the rest of me is a nice golden bronze!! It looks really, really, REALLY stupid with my dress. I don't mind my paleness, but I can't look like this for my bridals OR on my wedding day!! I was thinking about doing a quick fix for my bridals and fixing the problem for the actual day of. I tried this bronzer lotion I got from Victoria's secret aaaaages ago, and I loved the color and the evenness it gave me, but the only problem is that it rubs off on my clothes even after a few hours. What are some of the best OTC products I can use that wont make me look like a traffic cone or turn my beautiful ivory dress orange?? 
I've attached a picture of my forearm that is tan and my leg which is the same color as my arms and parts of my chest. Please do not judge me, I hate the sun lol

Re: OTC tan or salon tan?

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    I would go to a tanning salon and purchase a self tanner such as Versaspa's spray on in a bottle or a Mystic product. I don't really recommend a foam or lotion you purchase from say Walgreens because they tend to streak. I work in a tanning salon and we sell the self tanner aerosols like crazy!
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    I think anything will rub off on clothes. Don't do a mystic either because my friend has one and she can actually rub off her tan. Go to a tanning bed every day til your bridal pictures and you should be even 
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    I would go to a salon, but make sure a person does the spray, not a machine. 
    Vacation Anniversary
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    *Soapbox alert*

    Stay away from tanning beds.  They damage your skin and put you at higher risk for melanoma/skin cancer.

    "Climbs down from soapbox*

    I'm 48 and have pretty much avoided the sun most of my adult life.  Most people guess my age at about 35 before they hear that I have a 28 year old daughter and 1 year old grandson.  Sun and tanning beds age and damage your skin.  Just don't do it.
    C+D, Four kids, two kids-in-law, four grandkids
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: OTC tan or salon tan?</a>:
    [QUOTE]*Soapbox alert* Stay away from tanning beds.  They damage your skin and put you at higher risk for melanoma/skin cancer. "Climbs down from soapbox* I'm 48 and have pretty much avoided the sun most of my adult life.  Most people guess my age at about 35 before they hear that I have a 28 year old daughter and 1 year old grandson.  Sun and tanning beds age and damage your skin.  Just don't do it.
    Posted by Hays2be[/QUOTE]
    Tanning beds are fine. I've been going for over 2 years and my skin looks awesome and I love having a natural looking tan. Also, if you have a base tan then you won't get burnt in the summer.
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    I would definitely go to a salon for an airbrush tan there so that they can get the areas good that you arent as tan on. If you want OTC stuff, the best thing I have found is by's a little expensive but worth it. You can get it right at the counter in Macys. Everything else OTC has rubbed off on my clothes.
    Good luck! :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    And I agree about indoor tanning being bad for you. I used to be like addicted and had to stop because you could see how spotty and damaged my skin was getting. My doctor said if I didnt stop I WOULD get skin cancer. Totally not worth it. But who knows, I may just go for a month before my wedding because it definitely is the most natural-looking. I would just not suggest making it a lifestyle though.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:358Discussion:5a0de9ee-4781-4604-ba23-62db0ebc9607Post:6cd35700-f795-4435-9a11-d28c210d0096">Re: OTC tan or salon tan?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: OTC tan or salon tan? : Tanning beds are fine. I've been going for over 2 years and my skin looks awesome and I love having a natural looking tan. Also, if you have a base tan then you won't get burnt in the summer.
    Posted by katelyn26[/QUOTE]

    NOT true.  You don't see the damage now, you see it in the future.  Your skin may look great now, but give it a few years and you'll look much older than you are.  And getting a base tan doesn't prevent a burn.  Good repeated application of sunscreen and avoidance of mid-day sun is the best prevention.

    If I am seing your picture correctly, you appear to be fairly young.  I have few years on you.  When you need your melanoma excision and reconstruction, come see me at work in my Operating room.  I knw a few good surgeons that will be happy to put you back together.
    C+D, Four kids, two kids-in-law, four grandkids
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: OTC tan or salon tan?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: OTC tan or salon tan? : NOT true.  You don't see the damage now, you see it in the future.  Your skin may look great now, but give it a few years and you'll look much older than you are.  And getting a base tan doesn't prevent a burn.  Good repeated application of sunscreen and avoidance of mid-day sun is the best prevention. If I am seing your picture correctly, you appear to be fairly young.  I have few years on you.  When you need your melanoma excision and reconstruction, come see me at work in my Operating room.  I knw a few good surgeons that will be happy to put you back together.
    Posted by Hays2be[/QUOTE]
    I'm just saying I think it works great and it does for many of my friends
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    MandK9MandK9 member
    First Comment
    My brain is going to explode if I read any more nonsense from Katelyn.

    OP, I'm sorry that I don't have good tips for you. I've always been like deathly pale, but I just live with it.  But DO NOT go tanning.  What you hear aren't just old wive's tales.  Here, read this:
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    Do not go to tanning beds.

    And for heaven's sake do not listen to anyone as moronic and uneducated as Katelyn.  What may look good now kills/hurts you later.

    I'm sure lipstick and eyeliner with lead in them looked awesome 80 years ago on was just shitty that they died from lead poisoning later.  Christ.
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    I thought even 10 year olds knew tanning beds caused cancer?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: OTC tan or salon tan?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: OTC tan or salon tan? : Tanning beds are fine. I've been going for over 2 years and my skin looks awesome and I love having a natural looking tan. Also, if you have a base tan then you won't get burnt in the summer.
    Posted by katelyn26[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's awesome, cause your skin will probably look like leather in a few years. So, if that is the look you are going of luck there sweetie!</div>
    BFP #1 1/1/11 EDD 9/10/11 dx:no hb DNC on 2/2/11 BFP #2 12/28/11 natural m/c on 2/6/12 BFP#3 2/16/13 dx:ectopic on 2/27 (given methotrexate)
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    I would listen to Katelyn. She knows everything about tanning beds. She took AP tests after all!! I trust her in absolutely everything. For serious.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:358Discussion:5a0de9ee-4781-4604-ba23-62db0ebc9607Post:b3f0b2dc-db1d-4db3-bf23-02e15f278694">Re: OTC tan or salon tan?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would listen to Katelyn. She knows everything about tanning beds. She took AP tests after all!! I trust her in absolutely everything. For serious.
    Posted by ArmyWifeat18[/QUOTE]

    LOL totally
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: OTC tan or salon tan?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would listen to Katelyn. She knows everything about tanning beds. She took AP tests after all!! I trust her in absolutely everything. For serious.
    Posted by ArmyWifeat18[/QUOTE]
    I heart you too.
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    Nati05Nati05 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited May 2011
    You know who armywife reminds me of? Lovinsomething.. I can't remember the rest. Thought she'd be a good troll pretending to back up katelyn.... I think someone's back out of their hole

    *ETA: I mean the SN was totally made up and to poke fun. Who else likes to purposely cause problems?
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    I NEVER go to tanning beds anymore. I did when I was like 17 and had blisters on certain parts of my body. I also know what it can do to your skin which is another reason I say out of the sun or beds. I don't want a permanent tan, just something to even out the unevenness in my arms and chest. I made an appointment to go to the salon today of a spray tan thing. 

    Thanks for all your suggestions!! 
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    OP, I would also think about wearing sunscreen on a daily basis if you ride in your convertible a lot. I bought some moisturizer with SPF 30 (i think) from Clinique that doesn't smell sun screeny at all!
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    If you are looking for an OTC spray tanner, I like Neutrogena Micromist.  It actually works really well and won't come off on your clothes (it takes about 4-6 hours to darken in, you don't get immediate results).  I would suggest trying it a few times before you need it for pictures to make sure you get the hang of application and don't have any blotchy spots.

    Other than that, if you go with a salon, definitely do an airbrush tan where there's a person applying it, not the booth thing.

    As I'm sure you know (despite Katelyn's stupidity), you should never use a tanning bed, and I agree with Birdie, you should probably consider using sunscreen on your arms in the future.
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    If you use a self-tanner, make sure it does not say "bronzer" on it. It's my understanding that the bronzer part is what makes it rub off on clothing. The cream or spray should be clear or light in color.

    And I agree that you should wear sunblock on your exposed areas every time you drive!

    Definitely try spray tanning. I think it's your best bet. But there are different types and not all types work for everyone, so you'll have to test them.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I second the spray tan. Just do it before hand so you know if you like the color or not. I personally think the spray tan gave me even color, it was just a little too dark for my pale skin. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    I feel like if you give a spray tan a test run far enough before the wedding and you should be ok. I'm neon white too and practically incapable of getting a tan, just of burning. I also don't really use spray tans, as I avoid lots of sunlight and use tons of sunblock because being Irish seems to require that.

    I second NEVER using tanning beds. I'm actually studying to become a cancer researcher and tons of studies have been done showing a direct link to tanning beds and skin cancer. The beds use UV radiation which is capable or entering your cells and mutating DNA. Sometimes the cells can fix it. If DNA gets mutated in the wrong place, the cell loses the ability to fix DNA and/or destroy itself. Presto cancer. And the atmosphere provides some protection from UV rays. There is no protection in a tanning bed. 

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