Just Engaged and Proposals

Newly engaged to my best friend!

As the title says I am newly engaged and could not be happier!! My boyfriend of 3 and a half years proposed to me in the perfect way on Christmas morning. We were best friends in high school (we each secretly had a crush on one another but never said anything), but then we lost touch for a couple of years after he graduated. We were brought back together when I found out a co-worker of mine was actually his next door neighbor (what are the odds??) One night he came by my work and we were inseparable from that moment on. 

Here we are almost 4 years later and on Christmas morning he set up his go pro video camera to record us opening our presents. I thought it was weird because we never did it before but hey I'm up for new tradition. He gave me my last present. It was a decently large box with another smaller box inside, within that box was yet another small box but between the two was a letter. He had me read the letter out loud which told me how he feels about me and our life together, it was so sweet. Finally I got to open the small box, inside...a clear ornament with a string inside holding a ring and a piece of paper that said "Will you marry me?" and when I looked up he was down on one knee!! I am so excited and could not be happier to be able to say I truly am marrying my best friend! :)

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