Wedding Woes


What's up for the weekend? 

Our plans are a bit up in the air.  sFIL has a daughter  that is 5 years older than DH.  The mother was never in the picture, but the grandmother had a big hand in helping sFIL raise stepsister before MIL came into the picture. DH and stepsister were raised together so he sees her much more as a sister then a step.  If you followed that.  The grandmother passed this week. 

The memorial service is Sat at the VFW.  DH and I are a bit in disagreement about taking the kids.  I say we all go. Even if there is some sort of special service the kids do fine in Mass.  It can't be much longer than that.  DH thinks the kids will be disruptive even though we took them to a memorial service last year and they were just fine.  Ultimately it's his decision, but if he doesn't think they should go then I don't get to go.  I want to show her support, but I don't want to be a bother. We just got details last night and my normal sitters are booked.

Sunday we start taking down top cabinets.

Re: Friday!!!

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    Tonight-Dinner at my parents.  They were in Mexico last week and we haven't seen them in a few weeks.  So yay.  I missed them. 

    Tomorrrow-Running around, the kiddo may go spend the night with a friend.  Need to make sure we're fully stocked (especially with booze) before snowpocalypse 238075638945689.

    Sunday-Probably nothing.  We should probably plan on cleaning/purging or something, but that's not fun.  ;) 
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    The kids are spending the night at the ILs again tomorrow night.  They're heading out of town for work soon so this will be the last time they see them for a while.

    DH was invited to a guys' night to cheer up a friend of our new friends.  DH thinks it's strange he was invited (because he doesn't really know this guy), but he's going.  The guy is depressed about stuff going on in his life right now so our new friend thought he'd get some guys to go out to eat and hang out.

    Anyway, I'm home all by my lonesome tomorrow night.  I have no idea what I'll do with myself.  I'm pulling the trigger on ordering a Silhouette Cameo this weekend (more than likely) but I wish I already had it so I could just play with it all night. <notdirty
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    Freya has a vet appointment at 1130 as a follow up to Saturday's visit for her broken toe and thrown out back. She seems to be doing better, so I'm hoping that her doctor will release her to playing with Bellamy and Zoe unsupervised. None of the dogs like that they've been separated all day this entire week. I'm probably also going to bring her by work because they haven't seen her since she was a nine pound, newly adopted baby, and now she's a whole nineteen pounds and has an attitude.

    Husband is beta testing Elder Scrolls this weekend, so we're not leaving the house. We were thinking about doing a Harold Ramis marathon, so that's probably what we'll end up doing.

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    A random:  French vanilla protein shakes with a scoop of natural honey PB, a couple tablespoons of whipping cream (plus milk and water) are amazeballs.  My kids would drink and LOVE these. I've had one for breakfast every day for the last 2 weeks. It's like having dessert.  ;) 
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    When I went to Starbucks last night before Japanese, the guy made an iced green tea latte for me instead of the hot one I ordered, so he gave me both, so this morning I got to have my free iced green tea latte. So goooooood.

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    Two words: Pirate Party.

    One more word: Rum.

    (unfortunately the pineapple infused alcohol has to sit for 10 days, so that's a no go for tonight's party.)
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    AF, I love pineapple infused vodka, or anything with vodka.  Yes, strip and go nakeds are awesome.  DONE ANDDDD done.

    This weekend: 

    Tomorrow---driving 2 hours each way to possibly look at, buy a truck for H.  I'm happy to tag along because I get to spend time with him.  I'll take it.  AND, maybe if he's feeling nice we can "peak" at a car for me too?  Maybe....yes?  Acura, here I come!

    Sunday---SIL's bday party at noon, she's turning 17...when did that happen?  I did pay for her prom dress she got over ebay (vintage?  90s?  WHAT!?!) so that is her bday gift.  Other than that?  No plans.
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    Today is new fridge delivery, it did again Tuesday into Wednesday, and the repair people have decided it is leaking Freon from somewhere they can't reach to repair. So we ran out Wednesday night and got a new one. Both happy and not happy since we wanted to take this money and put it to refinishing our wood floors, but it is what it is.

    Tomorrow I get to go to a food bloggers event at a new cookie place. Then we are having friends over for Ganges while it rains. I am making a lemongrass beef stew over rice noodles and am so excited for it.

    Sunday we have nothing planned. Likely church, then cleaning up around the house. Oscars are this weekend to, right? Watch those and judge dresses.
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    We probably have to go buy a dishwasher this weekend because husband has apparently been keeping a secret from me for the last two weeks: our dishwasher now leaks when it's running. He said I seemed really stressed since going back to work, so he's just been quietly cleaning it and researching dishwashers. It may end up being next weekend because of payday things, but idk it seemed sweet to me that he was trying to keep that on the down-low.

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    Awww @ Mr. Juche. 

    I feel you pain on dishwasher issues.  We've replaced two in this house.  Installation is quite easy.  :)
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    That sucks, Juche.  :(
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    Yeah, when he told me, I just went '... balls'.

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    I want new appliances! I think I'm getting new floors next week though. Tonight is a bunch of nothing. Tomorrow I'm taking DD over to a friend's house to see her new little boy for a bit then we'll grocery shop. It's supposed to rain all weekend so not sure how much we'll be doing. Sunday is supposedly a birthday party for FIL. I really don't want to go.
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    Juche- One thing to watch for on the dishwasher is how they dry.  There are some that only air dry now.  While that's great for some it just wouldn't work for us.  We run ours pretty much daily and that air dry takes too long.  Leaving the door open isn't an option because a certain kid likes to climb in.
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    Our dishwasher is a little beast, but it can never break because there is only one, maybe two companies in tired able to work on the brand.

    Next up for us is likely our water heater.
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    Also pay attention to the ball bearings vs. wheels and if it's a strainer vs. disposal.  Strainers need to be cleaned periodically so we went for the disposal.

    About the only thing left here is the water heater too jojo.  If it goes I hope that happens AFTER the addition.

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    Husband is beta testing Elder Scrolls this weekend, so we're not leaving the house. We were thinking about doing a Harold Ramis marathon, so that's probably what we'll end up doing.
    thejucheidea Elder Scrolls 6? That sounds like fun!
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