Getting in Shape

Need advice on a sensitive subject

lmcooper86lmcooper86 member
First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its First Anniversary
edited March 2014 in Getting in Shape

Hi all! I am looking for a bit of advice and am hoping that you can help me out.


Over the last couple weeks my BF has mentioned a few times that he would like to lose some weight. He'd previously made a couple of comments that he isn't happy with his weight, but he's now brought it up 3 or 4 times fairly close together and has said that he should drop a few pounds. The only thing I've said in response is that diet is a huge part of losing weight, and that I'm happy to support him if that's what he wants to do. I want him to be healthy and to feel good about himself. I would absolutely never pressure or pester him to lose weight; I love who he is and could care less about his waist line!

For you ladies (and possibly gents!) who are trying to lose weight, is there anything in particular that your SO has done that you've found really helpful or really supportive? Or alternatively, anything that was unintentionally hurtful? If this is what my BF wants to do I want to support him and help him if I can, but I also don't want to hurt his feelings or anything during the process. Weight can be such a sensitive topic, and I don't want it to be an issue.


In case this is important in any way: he gained weight after having several surgeries a couple years ago; he couldn't exercise post-surgery so the weight just added up a bit and has stuck around. And I am a fairly healthy eater, so he eats well when he's at my place, but I do have a major sweet tooth.


Any advice would be appreciated!




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Re: Need advice on a sensitive subject

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    The best advice I can give is to workout together. I have found that to be beneficial and motivational for both my BF and I. For us it isn't about losing weight, but toning and getting healthier. Working out, and cooking (healthy options) together has been a really good bonding experience for us. We started going on runs together and are setting a goal to run a 5K this spring. 

    Working out together & setting a goal is what is working for us! Good luck to you and your BF! 
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    Exercise together. My FI and I are really good at motivating each other. Some days, I just want to be lazy but he'll push me to go hiking. 
    Cook most of your meals at home and choose healthy options. Don't keep snacks, candy, etc. at home. 
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    Ditto to the PP. Cooking and working out together is great. Also, I love to bake but have closed down shop because I know he wants to get more toned. We keep healthy snacks on hand and if we ever want to treat ourselves we go out and split a dessert. Also, putting greek yogurt in the freezer for about an hour is like froyo :) 


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    PPs gave excellent advice. That's what I do with my FI and keeps us on track and motivated.

    Eating/diet is another area where it really will make a difference to your FI. If you and he are eating the same meals, he won't even notice that he's "dieting". Support makes it much easier to lose weight :)

    Good luck!

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    Thanks for the insight!

    Eating the same meals is really easy when he's over at my place, but we don't live together so he's left to his own devices sometimes too! I like to cook, and like I said I'm a pretty healthy eater, so I'm pretty confident that I can get him to eat better (at least some of the time) without really realizing it. @strow34 I love the yogurt idea, that's a great alternative to other desserts!


    Working out together could be challenging. Because of the nature of his surgeries he still has trouble working out, and I'm trying to think of alternatives for him. He plays hockey once a week and I've suggested he go skating during the week; at the very least that would get his heart pumping and burn off some calories.


    @shrekspeare that's far from likely. I'm pretty small already, losing weight would not be a good idea for me! I'll check out Pinterest for sure (despite it being a black hole for time wasting!), I'm hoping I can find some Weight Watchers recipes to try out; thanks for the idea!



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    We juice together. Encourage each others workouts etc. Eat out less. Cook together. Start having more healthy choices at home.
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    Since you don't live together maybe make him some healthy meals that are portioned out and can be frozen so that all he has to do is pull one out of the freezer in the morning and then it will be defrosted for dinner.

    Also go food shopping with him and help him make some good choices.  But don't forget that he shouldn't go cold turkey on "bad" things that he loves but rather have those items in smaller less frequent quantities.  Maybe suggest to him that for those indulgent foods you could suggest that he only eat them when you go out or something like that.

    Also working out together or at least following a work out plan together is beneficial.  Since he has issues with certain workouts, swimming is great for those with aches and pains from surgeries or just in general because it is easy on your joints.  When you are together you could also plan out long leisurely walks.

    H and I are currently trying to lose weight and eat healthier.  We are doing Insanity and we keep each other accountable by talking about what we are eating and how each workout went.  I am also trying to make dinner a lot more frequently then I use to.

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    Thanks for the ideas ladies, much appreciated!


    @Maggie0829 I try to get him to take leftovers with him when we cook together so he'll have a good lunch or dinner ready to go. That'll be a lot easier too once his new job site starts up (he's jumping between sites right now and doesn't have a fridge to use most days). He's mentioned that he has the Insanity videos, so maybe I'll suggest doing those together when I'm at his place.


    Thanks guys!



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    FI and I do at home work out videos, I do it in the morning before work and he does in the afternoon after work. We eat the same healthy food for dinner and then leftovers for lunch the next day. And we don't eat any snacks at work other than the stuff we bring (like yogurt, fruit, string cheese). But every Friday night we order out. Pizza or chinese or sushi. You have to have a fun cheat night otherwise you'll lose your mind, and it helps you get through the week and not feel guilty, you feel more like you earned it. But also, there are days when we just want to skip the workout or we just have to grab that donut at work (not very often) but when we do, we are completely honest with each other about it and we do not make the other feel bad. We just say, hey that's fine you're only human. So be supportive but have cheat days and be supportive on bad days as well. 

    (I had an ex that I couldn't order fried food around or he would say remarks like you shouldn't be having that. I would have to eat buffalo wings in secret and hide the evidence. I was really young and took me a few years to realize how abusive and not normal that was.) 



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    @GlitterWitch22 hahaha tiramisu is so damn good! I definitely plan on eating exactly the same thing as him. He doesn't cook much so I'm trying to encourage him to help me in the kitchen when he's over. I know he eats well at my place, I'm a fairly healthy eater and prefer cooking over eating out. 

    I think not having a fridge at work is really hurting him. He can't take a full lunch with him and there aren't many options in the area. His new job site starts in a few weeks and he'll have a trailer and office and everything again, so he'll be able to take what he needs for the day. Plus he mentioned that the closest restaurants are at least 15 minutes away, so he'll really have to take his lunch every day which should help him to eat better through the day!

    @jenna8984 ugh, I had an ex who was obsessed with working out and eating healthy and would make me feel bad for wanting desert or something fried…so incredibly irritating! I'm a big believer of cheat days; I try to eat healthy through the week and give myself a Friday or Saturday off. There's no point depriving yourself all of the time, if I want a cupcake I'm going to eat a damn cupcake and not feel bad about it!

    Thanks for the feedback everyone, it's really helpful!



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