Wedding Woes

Mother-in-law Doesn't Like Me...

I am getting married to my fiance next April and I couldn't be more excited and up until date, neither could his entire family, especially his mother! I've been to every major holiday and random visits to his in-laws and they've even come to LA to visit us! I love them and vice versa. But when his mother received some misleading and out right wrong information about me, she didn't hesitate to call m fiance and tell him she doesn't believe anything about me or my life.My fiance stood up for me and because of it him and his mother have stopped talking for the time being. Let me say that I have never condoned him NOT speaking to his mom. But this has put a horrible strain on our relationship. His siblings send me love everyday saying that their mother's point of view doesn't reflect their own. I'm just absolutely heart broken that this has happened because I do not speak to my family and having his family made me feel complete. We just bought our first home (YAY!) and was considering buying a vacation home in Vegas but he told me that after this incident he does not want to buy a home there if his family doesn't support us. We were going to get married in Vegas to make it easier for his family to attend but I have since changed my mind. Am I wrong for that? We are now hosting a fabulous wedding in LA and will still invite his family. I don't think this can be smooth over, but I would love too! Any ideas? My fiance loves me so much that he knows our marriage comes first and is willing to cut his family off if it is hurting our relationship. I can't help but feel guilty. What should I do about his family? Do I explain to her that if she keeps this up she WILL lose her son? I'm distraught over this. Please help.

Re: Mother-in-law Doesn't Like Me...

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    Im going to need a little more context here. What kind of false information was she told?

    Either way, you don't do anything. Let your FI handle his family. If she can't tell her actions are damaging her relationship with her son, your telling her is going to come off as a threat.

    Your FI should sit down with her and explain that she's in the verge of severing their relationship forever, and that he doesn't want that, but he needs her to apologise for judging you wrongly.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    Ditto HGF. You don't need to do anything b/c this is his mother. I agree it will sound like a threat if you tell her she could lose her son over this. As long as they go on not talking, she HAS lost him, so that is pretty evident and does not need pointed out. 

    Kudos to him for standing up for you and to the rest of his family for not deciding they have to hate you as well. No, you are not wrong for deciding to have a wedding in LA instead of Vegas. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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