New Jersey

Problems with our florist (Brandywine)

Hi all,

Our wedding was just a couple of weeks ago, on October 12. We had some issues with our florist and I was wondering if there was anything we could do about it.

When we met with Arlene from Brandywine to finalize everything and order our huppah, we explained exactly where we wanted it placed - outside of the wrought iron gazebo that's in the ceremony space at our venue, Highlawn Pavilion. We even went over all of the reasons it couldn't be placed elsewhere when Arlene made suggestions about other ways to set it up. We wanted it to be outside of the gazebo so that all of the people who would be standing there with us would be more visible.The morning of my wedding, as I was getting ready, I got a call from Claus, her business partner, asking where we wanted it set up - inside or outside of the gazebo. I said, "outside," and everyone in the room heard me say it. When we got there for pictures, it was set up inside the gazebo. Our venue called the florist, who insisted I said "inside." Claus then called my cell phone and left a long message saying I said "inside," and either way, he was already back in East Brunswick and couldn't do anything. When my mom spoke to him on Monday, he continued to insist that I said inside and that the flowers looked beautiful. They did, but we would have not spent the money on the huppah, which was by far the most expensive part of our order, if it was just going to go inside the gazebo, which defeated its purpose. 

I was shocked that they didn't even apologize or offer a partial refund or anything. Any advice, or do we just have to let this one go?

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