Wedding Recap and Withdrawal

It's all done!

Just got back from the honeymoon earlier this week.  EVERYTHING was perfect - the wedding, the vendors, the speeches, the dances, the outfits, heck, even the weather.  the honeymoon was exciting and relaxing too.  Then I came home and went back to work and was borderline depressed.  Not gonna lie  - it was kinda nice to see that there is a WHOLE BOARD for this!  It was just so nice to have all of our friends and family together for a couple of days.  That was the best part of all of it.  I can't help but realize that this exact combination of people will never be all together ever again - which makes a wedding day so special, but I *think* the reason for my partial sadness this week.

Anyway, glad there is a board for this!  Hope everyone is also happily married with minimal wedding withdrawal!
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