
Cheapest Venue Relative to Packages - Austin

So my fiance's parents are paying for the wedding, but they are having me choose the venue. While money isn't really an issue for them, I personally feel obligated to find the best "bang for their buck" so to speak. I've looked at quite a few venues in the Austin/Hill Country area but it's all a little overwhelming when it comes to what each venue price includes, if they even post a price in the first place. I am not religious, nor is my fiance, and we do not have a preference on indoors or outdoors for the ceremony/reception. What I need to know is, based off of what's included with the rental of any place, what are the cheapest venues not just based off of the space itself, but the amenities/services they include within their package/s. I notice that anything in the Hill Country tends to have a huge price tag associated with it, and that doesn't always include set-ups/tables/linens/decorations/catering etc. Has anyone here gotten a great deal on a venue without having to shell out an equal to greater amount on all the vendors separately? Or is it cheaper to do it that way? It just feels silly to have to shell out five grand + for a place that doesn't include anything except the space and time to be there. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks.
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