Wedding Woes

Wednesday not thursday

Yesterday was busy busy. M2 had her first soccer practice. She shoveled in dinner then puked....on someone else's ball. She took a sip of water and went back out there.

This morning is the perfect zoo weather

Re: Wednesday not thursday

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    I'm on day two of cleaning out the girls' rooms.  So far I have one garbage bag full and a small box of stuff to get rid of.

    I just watched the video of the two VA reporters who were shot at a waterpark on live tv this morning.  Horrific.

    The kids are enjoying school so far.  DD2 starts tomorrow and she's excited.
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    It's my day off and I need to go get some shopping done.  I'm just enjoying some peace and quiet.  

    The reporter shooting is awful.  Just so tragic and terrible.  Their poor families and colleagues. 

    DH and I are having the hardest time deciding on going to SoCal or not.  We want to go, but there's a million other ways we could spend the time and money.  But we also want to see our friends.  It doesn't help that DH is hating work and probably could use a week at home just to decompress. Blerg.  
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