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I'm sleepy today and I'm blaming the shitty weather. It was so hard to get out of bed today! 

Last night I made dinner, watched The Family and hockey with H, read a little in bed and turned the lights out around 10. 

Tonight will be similar because I lead such an exciting life! It's taco Tuesday in the Swazzle household then relaxing while watching hockey and then bed.

H discovered he lost his wedding ring yesterday. I kind of figured this would happen eventually but I'm still a bit sad about it. He has to take it off for work and puts it in a zipper pocket of his lunch bag every day but it's gone. Perfect timing too, with our anniversary being tomorrow and all. SIGH.

This popped up on my Timehop today (H is like, aren't I going to be in ENOUGH pictures tomorrow?!). We had pizza and beer/wine at the hotel the night before our wedding: 


Re: Tuesday

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    @LizzyTish88 It's hard to get into it at the beginning but if you stick with you, you won't want to miss a single episode lol.
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    SwazzleSwazzle member
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    @southernpeach89 - Ugh I'm sorry you didn't get any sleep again last night. What's with that little one? Doesn't she know mommy needs her beauty rest? 

    @LizzyTish88 - I'm glad I'm not the only one doing Cinco de Mayo wrong this week :wink: 

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    @Swazzle It's freaking teething and she just wants to sleep with us. I think it's a comfort thing. She knows we are nearby so she whines for us to come and get her and I'm a wuss so I do. I slept on the floor next to her crib last night holding her hand so she would just sleep.
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    @southernpeach89 I think that is what BF keeps hearing which is why he is pushing it. How long does teething usually last? Poor Callie and poor momma! Hope you all get sleep soon.

    @swazzle OMG I didn't even think about that! FAIL. Oh well I won't say no to tacos twice!
    friends tv show funy
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    @LizzyTish88 Forever lol. I have no idea...the teeth come anywhere from 4+ months and on so she could be teething for the rest of the year and then her molars start to come in over the next few years which won't be fun at all. I feel like we have been in a constant sleep regression for the past 3 months lol. I should just sleep at lunch time.
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    @minskat30 I didn't get a chance to say it yesterday but I'm glad Raj's surgery went okay. Poor thing that he didn't sleep though. I hope he feels better after today's snuggles with mom all day! Give him a hug from me!
    friends tv show funy
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    @minskat30 aaaaw poop Raj! And poor sleepy you, hope you guys both get some snuggles and rest today.



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    @minskat30 You can join my no sleep train today. Passing you all the coffee. Hopefully Raj sleeps better tonight.

    @jenna8984 YAY for 3rd trimester! It's the home stretch now!
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    @labro They provide a babysitter at their house while we talk. 
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    labrolabro member
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    @cu97tiger So many vibes!!! I can't believe you will start your meds on Friday!!

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    SwazzleSwazzle member
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    @minskat30 - Oh no! I hope you're able to nap some today. 

    @jenna8984 - The ring he picked out wasn't expensive at all, I'm more bummed about the sentimental value of it. Yay for 3rd trimester!

    @labro - Yea, ring shopping at some point in the near future, I guess. I totally agree that I deserve some new bling too, to celebrate NOT losing any of my jewels :lol: 

    @cu97tiger - Thank you! Hell yea, period! Crossing everything and sending ALL the vibes for ever and ever, amen! 

    @untouchablets - Congrats on the promotion and raise! 

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    @cu97tiger He is getting his specialist degree in Educational Leadership. It's a two year degree that has the same course load as a doctorate but minus writing the big dissertation.

    @untouchablets Ugh yea DH was getting his Master's when we started dating and finished the Summer before we got engaged. He took a year and a half off and started his specialist last Summer. I feel like he is a constant student...and he wants to eventually get his doctorate but I told him he needs to wait a while for that one lol.
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    @southernpeach89 yeah... BF is going for his bachelors in nursing and I think eventually he wants to be a nurse practitioner. He already has a psych degree. And now he jokes about going to medical school. I said he has to marry me first lol
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    @swazzle that's how we felt too, his original ring was only like $120 but we were so sad that it was the one I put on his finger and it didn't even make it a year!

    @cu97tiger woohoo! so excited for you to start this!!!!

    @untouchablets congrats that's great!!



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    @Swazzle  Sucks that your H lost his ring :( 

    @southernpeach89 I'm kind of dying of cuteness imagining you sleeping on the floor holding Callie's tiny hand :)

    @minskat30 poor Raj! Is he wearing the cone of shame to prevent scratching?

    @jenna8984 home stretch! :D 

    @cu97tiger vibes!!

    Morning ladies! I wasn't on yesterday {obv} so I'll do a quick update today.

    Saturday Matt, mum and mum's friend Chris and I went to PoutineFest and ended up walking around most of the day. I was stuffed up and tired by the end of the day, but I assumed allergies and all the sun/walking.

    Sunday I woke up with a fever. Yes we went to bed late, but I woke up at 10:45am and took forever to get out of bed because if I moved too fast, I would pass out.

    I was up for just over an hour, then went back to bed for 2hrs. I woke up, and went to the couch, tried to eat and fell asleep again for at least an hour.

    I begged Matt to go get me meds so I could go to work the next day, but went to bed before being able to take anything except a nasal spray.

    Monday I woke up still feeling exhausted, so I stayed home. Matt left around 8am, and I went back to bed until 11am. Ended up marathoning Garfield and Friends {original series is on Netflix!} and fell asleep again for I have no idea how long.

    I'm fine today, but I feel like I'm going to be super tired tonight. Must be just a 24hr bug, because I only feel tired now.

    Tomorrow I booked off for a hair appt. Also, 2yrs ago tomorrow was my dad's memorial thing. {we didn't do funeral}
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    @misskittydanger - I've been trying to leave the cone off when I'm around because with it on he just pants and pants and pants all day.  I'm a light sleeper when I need to be so I hear him move even to lick...I have a feeling he's going to need more sedative tonight or else the cone is going to have to go on.  :(
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    @minskat30  poor Raj and poor mama :( hopefully he calms but glad to hear the surgery went well!
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    labrolabro member
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    @speakeasy14 That's really exciting!!! I hope you like it and everything goes through for you! It sounds beautiful!

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    labrolabro member
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    @TwoDimes Sometimes I feel like it will never get finished in time! I think I'll end up AW'ing with me holding a very large, very full glass of wine.

    Can the Monica version of you come clean my house next please?

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    @TwoDimes  I love that show! I haven't had a chance to start watching it yet, but season 1 was great :)
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    @misskittydanger hope you feel better! I'm dying to try poutine, I've never had it

    @speakeasy14 oh that's exciting, would you rent out one or flip it?



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