Hashtag Help

Hashtag Help - Phillips

Hi! Please help with a clever/punny hashtag. :)

Fiancé's last name is Phillips and mine is Yeh (pronounced like YAY! :smiley:

We prefer to have both of our last names in the hashtag.

Some things about us: 

- Huge Disney fans (he actually proposed at Disneyland)
- Huge animal lovers, especially dogs
- Wedding will be at a vineyard

Thanks in advance!! 

Re: Hashtag Help - Phillips

  • Are you changing your last name to his or is he changing his last name yours? Are you keeping your names?

  • That's still up in the air... 

    I'd like to keep mine, but part of me also wants me to take his. So the options are open right now...
  • #YayForYehAndPhillips
    "Marriage is so disruptive to one's social circle." - Mr. Woodhouse
  • Awesome!! Thank you so much!
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