New York-Long Island

Escapade band through Craig Scott

Hello! Has anyone ever seen the band Escapade live at a wedding or had them play at their wedding? We loved what we heard/saw in videos but there are no live showcases so I wanted to get some ideas from you guys. Thanks so much!

Re: Escapade band through Craig Scott

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    edited December 2011
    So glad you asked this!!! Sounds like they could be great but the press kit only came with 7 songs so I was a little disappointed. I need to hear more about them.  The IGMC company has a bunch of amazing bands too! I've been on their website almost everynight until 1am. Check those out.
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    edited December 2011
    Efranks- if you make an appt they play SO many songs and have everything if you were interested in hearing it. I just wasn't sure if anyone had them live. We actually ended up booking them based on referrals!
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    edited December 2011
    Efranks, did you ever go and meet with them?
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    edited June 2012
    I think it is so weird when bands don't showcase- why wouldn't you showcase? I'm more likely to book a band I saw a showcase then a band that I have to hear on a DVD or CD. They are never the same live as they are on a recording.
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