South Carolina

Vendor suggestion - the coordinator I'm using

Hi y'all!

I mentioned a while back that I wanted to use someone totally new as my coordinator (since that's how I started my business.) I've been emailing back and forth for a while with the girl I chose, and I finally met her this weekend when I was in town. SHE WAS FANTASTIC. She met me at my venue to do a walk-through with the rental company. We were having a lot of issues, so it was a lot to handle for someone new to wedding coordinating. I was extremely impressed. She was very professional and really brought her A-game. She offered great suggestions and solutions to the problems we were working out. She is getting married in two weeks, but other than that my wedding will be the first one she's done. She is located in Simpsonville, I believe.

I'll post an update after my wedding (4.5 weeks!) but for right now I'm very impressed and would definitely recommend her!

I'm happy to pass along her contact info. Just shoot me an email at (I rarely check messages on here.)
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