Chit Chat

Silent Screams Lead to Insanity

I'm writing this out today simply because some people are blind to their own doings.

 A girl I have known for quite some time, nine years to be exact, has ran away from home. She's very intelligent, carrying a 4.5 GPA all he way through High School and graduating in the top ten of her class. She is very sweet, very talented and has been missing for a couple of days now.

From what I have heard, she had an emotional breakdown and was soon put into a hospital to regain her mental health. She was releases after that with significant signs that she was truly getting better! But it didn't take her long to realize what she went through... It didn't take her long to make a decision that would create heart ache though out her whole family.

People ask "Why did she leave? Why would she go?". This is why...

She left because she was pushed, not physically, but mentally. Her parents were persistent on making sure she worked hard and received exceedingly amazing grades. And she did! Her whole life was spent studying for school, and that was it. She was pushed and pushed. From middle school to high school and now to college, when will people see the edge she has tip toed on for all these years?

Now they see it... I hope now they realize they should have encouraged her rather than forcing her.
~Soon to become Mrs. O'Kane!~

Re: Silent Screams Lead to Insanity

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    I hope she gets the help she needs and her parents realize what they have done so they can make things right.

    I had a niece from my first marriage.  Her mother was all about appearances.  Right down to taking tennis lessons and having an affair with her tennis instructor.  She pushed my niece mercilessly because it made her look good.

    She (the mom) stalked our senators and congressional reps to get a nomination to West Point for my niece.  She was nominated and accepted.  Niece went to WP for 3 weeks, had a complete breakdown and got kicked out.  Came home and died her hair purple.

    This was many years ago and niece is doing very well once she figured out how toxic her mom was and that things had to change.  She got professional help and has strict boundaries with her mom.  Her mom is quite certain she never did anything wrong.

    With pro help your friend can get through this.  I wish her a safe return and the help she needs.
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