Snarky Brides


I'm copying this from E because I'm still freaked out and need someone to tell me I'm just crazy and imagined it.

I've had a nervewracking morning.

So I go to leave for work. I step outside and see a light on in the woods. At first I figured someone had turned the heat lamps on in the orchard, and thought it was a bit weird because it wasn't freezing last night, but whatever. So I keep walking out and look up, and see some kind of...shadow darting across this clearing where H has his garden, heading toward the neighbor's (empty) lot where there is a break in the fence.

I about freak the fvck out and hurry back to the house. My hand is shaking and I can barely get the key in the door. At this point I don't know what I saw, just, something. So I ask H to walk out to my truck with me, telling him what I saw. We go back outside, and the light is gone, all is dark again in the woods. I called H a bit ago and he said nothing was missing from his work truck (he had tools out in the open too that weren't missing) and he saw no signs of a person.

So now I don't know what I saw. Was it a bird? A person? Where did the light come from in the woods? I almost feel like I imagined it, but I know I didn't. I told H no more diicking around on the security system, we're getting one. And now I'm a little worried that when I go home, the house will be cleared out.

Also, I gotta be honest. The thought "alien" pased through my head. The shadow was all hunched looking, awkward, totally silent. Now the memory is starting to warp and I could swear it had long, claw-tipped arms and shiit. ANd the shadow ran away from the light, so who turned it off? Was there more than one shadow? I really hate my imagination.

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