Snarky Brides

Coworker is freaking me out

No really, she is. I kind of want to ask her to stop freaking me out.
Last year it was lunch. It did not matter if I took lunch at 10:30 am, or 2pm, she would only pull out her lunch the second that I pulled out mine. This annoyed the shiit out of me because we need to have alternating lunches so that we can actually finish our lunch if someone's computer break.

Then I started looking at her lunches. If I brought an entree, Yoplait (this is important) yogurt, and an apple so would she. When I ate my yogurt she ate hers, same with entree, same with apple.

Then this year I started eating Chobani greek yogurt, and sure enough the next week she ate Chobani yogurt. The second I picked up a snack/lunch, so did she. Now I am back to eating Yoplait again because Chobani makes me gag, and she's now eating Yoplait again. She also takes out a snack every fvcking time that I do, which is even more bizarre because I'm eating every two hours or so and it's literally 2 seconds after I pick up my snack..

Since I noticed this I've been paying more attention to it and it's getting kind of creepy. I have a habit of eating my yogurt, putting the spoon in the cup, and putting it on the left side of my desk until the next time I got up. Now she does this as well (she didn't in the past). In my head I'm adding up her calories and they are coming out to about the same as me, about 900-1200 between the hours of 9-4. Except I'm eating extra calories for the pregnancy, and she's been whining about not being able to lose weight for the last year.

Oh, and the beginning of the pregnancy when I was nauseous, she was nauseous, when I was crampy so was she, headache, same deal. Those symptoms miraculously disappeared when she found out I was pregnant and not just sick.

No real point to this point, it's just freaking me out. I swear if she comes to work pregnant (at 56) I'm going to run screaming out of the building.
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