
Venue ideas for a vintage circus/fair/carnival style wedding? (Hampton Roads area)

We're looking for a venue near the Hampton Roads area for our vintage circus themed wedding... ideally a covered outdoor venue, but I'm willing to check anything out. Maybe a plantation, park, barn, farm... or something else? I know we'll have to get out of the city, so it doesn't have to be IN Hampton Roads, but hopefully no more than an hour or so away.

We really want a place where we can do LOTS of decorating ourselves, so places like Norfolk Botanical Gardens or the Norfolk Zoo are out since they don't allow for much decorating because of their animals.

We'll probably have 50-100 people and it doesn't matter whether or not catering is included. It would be perfect if we could have the ceremony and reception at the same location.

We're willing to pay what it takes to find a suitable location, but the lower the cost, the better.

Thanks for any help!

Re: Venue ideas for a vintage circus/fair/carnival style wedding? (Hampton Roads area)

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