Getting in Shape

Workout Accountability: Friday!

Can I get a collective "YAHOO" due to the fact that the weekend is almost here!!

So last night I came home, and it was uncharachteristically cold outside. I wanted to go for a run, even though I ran Weds. night... but I had the chills and I decided to stay indoors instead. I turned on my copy of P90X and did the Ab-Ripper, and the Buns & Thighs ripper. And then I had to walk up a flight of stairs to my office this morning and wow did I feel it! I love when I can feel a workout from the day before. It lets me know that I worked hard.

Also my FI and are starting a sort of smoothie cleanse thing as of this morning. Or at least we are using this one for the time being. It is an all-organic FDA approved smoothie / protien mixture that is really rich in nutrients and protiens. You can get it at Whole Foods in their nutrition section, it's called "Vega" .... not gonna lie... it tastes nasty... and it's a funny green color... and the texture is weird. We are doing this one because it is NOT a diet supplement... I dont think those are good because they are in no way natural. We are also looking into another version, but it's super expensive... so we think we may wait until after the wedding for that one. I should also make it apparent that we are not depriving ourselves of food entirely. We are still both eating small snacks throughout the day... such as fruits and granola bars. Oh and... this isnt either one of our first walk around the block with this stuff... so... It's not like we are walking into this whole thing blindly.. I didnt want anyone out there to worry :)

In any case.. how did you ladies do last night? Anyone got any good plans for this weekend?
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