Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

processional song help

I wanted to use Unchained Melody for the seating of the parents, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring for Bridal Party and flower girls, and then me walk in to Canon in D, all guitar versions.  But no one likes Unchained Melody, so I am going to use Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring for either parents or bridal party, but I need one more song!  Any suggestions?  I am thinking about these but none of them seem to be just perfect:
How Beautiful
Hymme by Vangelis
Princess Bride theme song
Butterfly Waltz by Brian Crain

Re: processional song help

  • When you say nobody likes it, who do you mean? If your groom or someone like that is really opposed to it, OK, but if you're asking friends and family, I would honestly just play it if you really like it. Everyone will have an opinion on everything, so I stopped asking for them ha!

    Otherwise, you could always play Jesu for both the parents AND the bridal party. It doesn't take that long to seat the parents, so whatever song you chose wouldn't be playing for very long anyhow. We used Jesu for the seating of the mothers, as well as the entrance of my BMs.

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  • Well my fiance doesn't like it, my mom doesn't prefer it, and I was kinda iffy on it.
    What version of Jesu did you use?  The version I have is only 3 minutes long, and I have 2 sets of grandparents, and 2 moms, plus 5 bridesmaids and flower girls.  I'm worried it won't be long enough!

  • I love the Butterfly Waltz.  I'm considering using that.
  • Here are my songs maybe they will help
    Seating of the Mothers: Vivaldi’s “ Largo” from Winter
    Bridesmaid Processional:Pachelbel’s Canon in D
    Bride Processional: Butterfly Waltz
    Recessional: Wesley’s “Choral Song”
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  • Anyone else??? I feel like I have listened to every song out there.....
  • I love butterfly waltz .. i considered using this.. but im walking down to cant help falling in love insturmental version
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