Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

when to take wedding pics

Is it better to take pics before or after the ceremony? I like the idea of my fiance seeing me for the first time when i walk down the aisle, but ive read that pictures before the ceremony help calm the nerves. Pros and cons to both?

Re: when to take wedding pics

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    edited December 2011
    I was wondering the same thing. I want the first time he sees me to be when I walk down the isle. Some ideas are to do picture of you with the family while the groom is away getting ready and then you go away and he does his photos. Then after the ceremony you have the hors dourves and that is when you take the pictures that still need to be done of the two of you and with family. That is an idea. What do you think?
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    edited December 2011
    To take care of the timing issue you have two options. The first is what KareBear said; to do all the family pictures and such separately and do the bride & groom pictures after the ceremony. The second option is to take almost all the pictures before the ceremony which means you have to see FI beforehand.

    This can be done in a very romantic way. Most photographers will set up a private meeting between you and the groom and then they catch it all on film! Some of the best pictures from my sister's wedding came from this moment. It's still just as special as when you walk down the aisle in my opinion.
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