Pre-wedding Parties

Who to invite/bridal shower dilemma

My FMIL wants to host a bridal shower for me.  My mother and MOH are also planning a shower for me, but that one is about 4 hours from where I (and most of my friends) live.   My fiance's parents are divorced.  I would like it if my FMIL includes my FFIL's family (cousins, aunts, etc)  in the invites to the shower that she is hosting.  I am fairly certain they they wouldn't come to the shower  hosted by my mom and MOH as it is too far away.  Is it reasonable for me to ask my FMIL to invite her ex-husbands family to an event that she is hosting?  (Fiance's parents are hostile towards eachother).  

Also, I'm confused about who to invite to bridal showers?  I know that if they are invited to a bridal shower, they should be invited to the wedding, but does everyone that is invited to the wedding need to be invited to the shower?  Where do you draw the line?  
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