Second Weddings


....and any of the other's post regarding Tameca is offensive, degrading, childish, and just ridiculous.I have made a formal complaint to the knot regarding the other post and am in contact with several of the folks regarding these postings and the posters.I should not, in any way shape or form be subjected to such offensive posts as "sewing" someone's legs shut for birth control or making fun of someone regarding their writings, etc.  I don't think that I am the only one offended by these types of definately takes us back to when these women grew up don't you think? The prejudice that existed then is definately not dead.This is a wedding board not a political forum.  I myself am published as well, credentialed in my field and one of 2000 in the US with my specialized certification....I hate to think that these women are whom I have to refer to as peers......I'm not sure that your ability to impose any type of penalty to these posters will make much difference as you can see they haven't changed from when they were in grade school...good luck!

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