Wedding Party

Pastor Issues?

So after we set our date I found out that I went about things backwards. Apparently I was supposed to have asked our reverend what days she was available and went that route. Well.... needless to say we were undecided what to do for our ceremony so we just set a date, put deposits down on our hall and photographer and then decided that we really did want to be married in my church. Well........ we have a intern reverend and have had her for about two or so years now. I lived out of state for those past two years so she doesn't know me like  at all. Well she threw a fit at first and said she refused to do our wedding as she takes an entire month off (July which happens to be our wedding!) and said no. Then a few days later she calls back and leaves me a message stating she would do our wedding but there would be certain conditions. Well..... still haven't heard from her again since returning her call..... Really would mean the world to me to get married in the  church I was raised in. Its a beautiful church, has sentimental value, and of course is our religion so that kind of answers itself. So anyway, should I try calling her again and seeing what her conditions are and assume maybe she just didn't get my return vm from two weeks ago? 

Another thing.... I have 7 bridesmaids --- CRAZY yes I know (talk to my darling fiance -- he had to have EVERYONE lol  !!!) Anyway, now my mom is worried that with as cranky as she was about our date she will complain about the number in our wedding party. If she happpens to do so, what do I do? I can't kick anyone out! And having our ceremony at my church would mean the world to me. 

Sorry if this is crazy and confusing its been a long stressful day at work and I come home to a phone call from my mom wanting to talk wedding plans.
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