Wedding Woes

I'm going to AW the people in my life who've given me warm fuzzies today

Boss lady (Not that she doesn't drive me nuts on a fairly regular basis; she's my boss, of COURSE she drives me nuts.)
But, the raffle tickets she gave me yesterday were for a fundraiser here.  Since I work for a nonprofit, there's a lot of 'hounding for donations'/give your salary back to your employer! crap.  She does an awesome job of making sure that 1-our dept. makes a good appearance and 2-those of us who aren't horribly well paid (like, uh, me) aren't harassed or pressured.  Other depts get crap about it, she makes sure we don't.

2-my parents always got us candy for halloween, even as grown ups.  When we got married, they just doubled the amount they gave me and made sure it was stuff the Mr. liked.
Now that there's Buffy, they send over candy 'for her', making sure it was stuff the Mr. and I like and they also always volunteer to baby sit and give us an applebee's GC as a 'halloween gift'.
It's just nice

that's all :)

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