Wedding Woes

Feel like a bad mommy

or maybe not bad, but Katie Holmes-ish.

DD needed new sandals.  Poor kids toes were starting to hang over the front of the ones she had.   So after looking all over, hemming and hawing, we went to Target last night with the thought in mind that I'd buy whatever I could find that worked.
Issues: DD won't wear the thong-type sandal with the thing between her toes, I wanted them to be comfortable for running and playing, I wanted them to have good traction on the bottom (kid has enough trouble styaing on her feet, she doesn't need to wear slippery shoes), but I didn't want them to be too sporty looking because she'd be wearing them with dresses a lot, and she already has swim shoes.
This pretty much left this shoe:

It has a wedge heel.   :(
She claimed that they were comfortable, but I just don't know.   I'll probably take them back. 
I spend so much time finding clothes for her that are modest and little girlish, and then I go and buy her shoes with a heel.   Mommy FAIL.

Thoughts?  WWWWD?

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