Wedding Woes

give it up, lady.

Dear Amy: My husband and I have been married for more than 10 years.

I recently found out that he has been having an affair and that they have a daughter together. I am torn about how to deal with this situation. My mind tells me to move on, but my heart tells me to fight for my marriage.

I admit that we have been having problems for several years and I suspected the affair, but I never thought it would come to this.

We have separated and he says he needs time to figure out if he wants to come home.

I have not been the most supportive wife over the years. I feel as if I pushed him into this. He claims that he is taking responsibility for his actions, and he doesn't seem to regret what happened. He refuses to sit down with me.

I love my husband and I feel as if I want him back, but on the other hand, we were both unhappy in this marriage and I wanted out for a long time.

Now I do not know what to do.

— Unsure

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