Wedding Woes

Teen Mom

Farrah - sometimes I feel sorry for Michael and sometimes I think he's as psychotic as Farrah and her mom for staying around.  Weren't they getting a divorce?  He's around all.the.time and it appears he still lives in the house.  He sure does love Sophia, though.

Maci - ::sigh::  She's gong to quit school.  I know it.

Catelynn - it was sweet to see her with her dad.  If he's actually as sane as he seemed, it's too bad he's not closer to her.

Amber - she didn't seem to acknowledge Leah calling her by her name instead of Mom.  And if I understood the visitation agreement correctly, Leah is going to stay with Amber Tuesday night through Saturday night, then stay with Gary's mom until Monday and then go to Gary Monday night until Tuesday?  And Gary jumped at the suggestion.  ::SMDH::
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