Wedding Woes

Things/Still a hot mess. TMI

TMI-My lady garden must want vengeance on me for the attempted handlebar rape that went on yesterday. In addition to the the big bruise, I woke up with a YI and an ingrown hair that is bruise adjacent. It hurt to put on underpants. END OF TMI

I drive a 02 intrepid that I paid 500$ for in college (which I love but has 250,000 miles on it). We've been car shopping, even though the car is still running very well. I think the Intrepid realized I was going to cheat on it, because it got all "hell No! you aren't breaking up with me, I'm breaking up with you!" on my azz and started leaking yesterday.

I bought a car, a Jeep. I pick it up this weekend. so that's good.

KS is working on passing a law today that requires anyone under 18 to have the written consent of both parents before having an abortion. I have mixed feelings about this, (causing a rise in the trend of "at home" attempted abortions-which has been a problem here since George Tiller's death, and complications on executing the "both" parents portion of the bill) But I'm hoping it results in less aborted babies and more adoptable babies.

I have a pair of vintage Wayfarer sunglasses that I used to think were cool and hipstery. Until a student asked me "where did you get your Ferris Bueler glasses, or have you had them since the last time they were cool?"

Dear Rain, Not Today. Sincerely, My Parade
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