Wedding Reception Forum

This may be a dumb question...

At the reception we are going to have the guys in the wedding party take off their jackets and just wear the vests.  At what point does the groom take off his jacket? I can't remember what they did at other weddings I've been to. Does he take it off before or after the first dance? We will have the first dance after dinner. So, I wasn't sure if it was supposed to come off before dinner?  And then stay off, or back on for the first dance? Any ideas? 

Re: This may be a dumb question...

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    He takes his jacket off when he feels like it. Nobody's going to be scrutinizing the groom's (Or GMs) "jacket" schedule. Unless you're planning on making some sort of big deal about it (Like the DJ announcing "Ok, everybody, the groom is now removing his jacket!"-please don't, lol), really nobody's going to care when or if he takes his jacket off.

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    This is the moment when you should realize that you are overthinking and overplanning your wedding.  If you have the day orchestrated down to the point where the groom takes off his jacket, you're just asking for trouble, because things never go according to plan.

    He should take off his jacket when he feels comfortable doing so, same with the groomsmen.  Take a deep breath, go shopping or watch a non-wedding related movie, step back from the brink.
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    Ditto aerin. Also, the groom may never take his jacket off. Which is also fine, as he will stand out more. My H never took his jacket off the entire night, much to his surprise (he usually gets hot with layers on). I can't even remember what the other GMs did, and I'm sure no one else can either.

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    This is defintely not something you need to control, unless there are specific pictures involved. 

    Whether they have their jackets on or off for the reception should be a matter of personal comfort for each individual, not at your whim.

    But I would ask the groom keep his jacket on for the special photo ops of the cake cutting and first dance.  Otherwise, it's optional.

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    Your groom can take his off anytime he likes. I don't even remember when DH took his off, actually, and would have to look at pictures to figure that out.

    A good rule of thumb: If he's hot, uncomfortable or twitchy in it, it should come off.
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    They men will take off their jackets if and when they want.  You don't get to control this and are over-thinking to the max.
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    Heck, one of our GMs took off his rental shoes before he entered the reception and wore some ratty sneakers, and I didn't know until our pro pics came back. Same GM removed his tux about halfway through dinner and came back in in a t-shirt and jeans. I also didn't know this until I saw our pro pics.

    DH wore his jacket for our first dance (we did that first), took it off for dinner, and he put it back on for the mother-son dance. I really didn't notice or care whether he was wearing it or not.
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    I wasn't trying to overthink it...I just couldn't decide/didn't know if it was better to have it on or off for the first dance...but I like the ideas of putting it on for the special photo ops and otherwise off whenever they feel like it.  That's all I was looking for.  Thanks!
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