October 2012 Weddings


Hello Ladies,
       I hope this finds you well. Most of us have our bridal party's put together, but I'm still working on mine. Here is the deal. My best friend from childhood was supposed to get married a while ago and her FH bailed last minute. I'm in her bridal party and we both got engaged about the same time. We had informally discussed bridal parties, since in high school we told each other we would be in each other's weddings.  She asked me to be in her bridal party so I was elated.When she told me she was getting married way before I was, I stopped talking about my wedding because I didn't want to be rude or steal her spot light.

 I have withheld talking about my wedding from her, because I still know she's very senstive about weddings and relationships. She told me she didn't want to hear anything about any wedding until her FH patch things up. I haven't uttered a word about my FH or wedding for six months.  I've got my venues, my dress and made a few other choices, but she has no idea. I feel horrible. I feel like a liar and like a bad friend for not telling her.  What should I do? Should I give her a few more months to heal or should I not ask her or talk about the wedding at all? To be honest, this entire process with her wedding has changed our relationship so much, that she has no idea what's going on in my life. I'm trying to save a friendship, but I feel like I'm doing a horrible job of it. Right now, I'm dealing with a lot of stuff in my life (recent deaths in my family, deaths of students I was close to, and a deployed FH) and she basically has no idea. All of our conversations are centered around her FH and her life. I'm doing my best to be as considerate as possible, but I still feel like I'm not doing enough. Any words of advice would be appricated. Thank you so much. 

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