October 2012 Weddings

My friend is the calmest bride...

I'm in a wedding in 2 months. Our bridesmaid dresses arrived today. We ordered the dresses-- these really pretty charcoal-colored dresses-- in February, because this particular designer requires 4 months to make the dress. These dresses were sent by the designer to the bridal shop that my friend is working with. The shop then FedExed them to each out-of-town bridesmaid (almost all of us), and we received them today.

They're the wrong color! They're purple instead of grey. (The color scheme is grey and yellow.) But my friend so calm about it! She's speaking with the shop tomorrow to make sure they take care of it-- she has our contracts and the swatch from the shop, so the shop is in the wrong here. She has no worries about whether or not they'll fix it and whether or not the new dresses will be in on time.

I hope I'm as calm as she is 2 months before my wedding!
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