April 2014 Weddings

Shedding for the Wedding!

Hey ladies!
I know that I should start losing some weight because I noticed that I have packed on at least 10-15lbs in the last few months but I'm having a super hard time getting motivated! Any tips? I'd also (obviously) like to be looking better for my wedding but I just can't seem to get into any kind of schedule/habits.
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Re: Shedding for the Wedding!

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    Start off thinking positive.  Remember you are awesome no matter what.
      The first two weeks of any change are the hardest.  When I did weight watchers I cried everyday for the first 2 weeks.  I motivated myself by saying how awesome it would be to shop for smaller clothes. 
    Good habits I picked up from it :
     1)Don't buy cookies, chips and cakes.  They will only tempt you if they are in the house
    2)give yourself bigger portions of vegetables to fill you.
    3)Use fruit to fullfill sugar cravings.
    $)Don't completely deprive yourself.  You will go crazy and it will set you uo for failure.  Have a cheat meal at least once a week.
    I hope these tips are helpful.  I need to get back on it too!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker Visit The Knot!
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    Thanks for the tips Mary!
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    phae6813phae6813 member
    First Comment
    edited January 2013

    What I started doing was joining a Challenge Group through Team Beachbody (the same company that produces P90X, but they have less intense options too). It's been a big motivation to have a group of girls to reports to, to have certain things to do that earn you points (for example, takeing a "sweat picture" once you finish a workout). You could try something like that.

    I'd ideally like to lose 50 lbs by next year, but I'm not going to fret if I don't. It's more important to me to treat my body well by getting more good food than bad in it, and by getting it to move.


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    i have started running monday and wednesday and doing situps and pushups tuesday and thursday and maybe walking friday. take a break for the weekend and start back up monday.. i also cut out fast food (my weakness) and started replacing that with salads for lunch and small dinner portions.. i have just started this but already i am not motivated anymore. it doesnt make sense to me cause i know i want to look good for the wedding but i still cant find the motivation. i just really hate working out. hahah. :)

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    I'm doing this amazing program from Daily Burn called inferno. I'm 1 week in and I haven't lost much in terms of actual weight but my body is definitely more toned, I look leaner, and my clothes are more loose so I'm definitely losing inches! I would highly recommend this to anyone trying to get in shape for their wedding. On days when I don't have time for a full workout I found these amazing 10 in 10 videos! 10 exercises in 10 minutes and they are KILLER! There's different videos for different body parts and some full body ones!  Hope that helps :-)

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