Just Engaged and Proposals

Just a simple proposal

My boyfriend and I were visiting my family for the week. I hadn't seen my family or him for awhile since I'm in school and it was just nice to spend some quality time with them. The first night we were getting ready for bed when he popped the question. It was simple and completely caught me off gaurd and I loved it! I usually have a lot to say, but I couldn't say anything. I just nodded my head and started to cry. It was the most amazing feeling, but it wasn't a big romantic gesture just a simple proposal and it was wonderful. I'm a planner and always asking questions about the future and it drives him crazy. However I had never brought up marriage. I didn't want to scare him off nor did I want to get my hopes up. I was willing to take my time though many of my friends had been asking when he'd propose. I just wanted it to be of his own decision. My fiance isn't the most romantic and he doesn't express his feeling too often so when he asked me that night as we were getting ready for bed I was so excited and quite frankly impressed. I didn't think he would do it. It was really amazing and just so simple.
image Nora Marie born Monday, March 5, 2012 at 5:25pm weighing 7lbs. 2 oz. and 20.5 inches Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker imageDaisypath Wedding tickers Mom*Tog - For moms who love digital photography
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