Just Engaged and Proposals


My fiance proposed on Christmas morning!! We have been together almost 3 years! I had no idea that he would do it then. Lately, he has been acting differently and talking to me more about being married, so I figured it was coming soon, but it was a HUGE surprise to me that it happened on Christmas!
Here's how it happenedl:
THis was my first time spending Christmas morning with his family, and I was super excited about that, and the fact that I felt so proud of myself for getting him such a good Christmas present! (I've been stressing for months about getting him the 'right' iPad that he wanted, and so when I finally made the decision on which one, I was barely able to keep it a secret!) Anyway, we all enjoyed a huge breakfast cooked by his dad (That's a Christmas tradition for them) and just sat around and talked. Finally, the kids couldn't control themselves anymore and so we had to open presents. I had brought his iPad but didn't tell him because I wanted it to be a surprise. So after all the presensts had been opened, I gave him his. He was so surprised!! I was so proud! lol. I felt like I did so good!! His mom is a photographer so she was taking all these pictures of us. So we stood up and i grabbed the iPad and joked with him and called it 'our new baby' :)! I'm smiling and she is snapping away and then I look around at him and he is down on one knee with a ring... The only thing I could manage to get out was, " Are you joking me?"  He of course said, "No." I bent down and hugged him and the rest is history... There were lots of tears and laughs, but I never actually answered him! He said my tears was all the the answer he needed!

It was nothing cextracagant, but it was totally perfect. We were surrounded by family in our PJ's on Christmas morning with a good 5 inches of snow outside! It was Alabama's first white Christmas in years! That was special enough for us!

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