
How do people react to your age?

Hey everyone! It made me feel really happy to see this board of other college students who are engaged. I was wondering what reactions you guys have gotten from others about getting married at a young age. I am going to be a college grad and 22 when I get married (same age my mom was) and I have never thought that this was too young. Most everyone I know is beyond excited for me, and I'm really happy to have the support--but a lot of my friends were expecting it because my FI and I have been talking about getting married since my sophomore year. However, some people act like I have the plague when the find out I am getting married in my early 20's. This doesn't make me question myself but it does make me a little self conscious!

It seems so strange that mothers are getting younger and younger but the age we are expected to get married is getting older :/

what reactions have you gotten?
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