
Need help choosing a date while in graduate school

I just got engaged a few weeks before starting a 3 year, all year round graduate program. I spoke to my program director and found out that the only breaks I have ALL YEAR are 2 weeks at xmas and a week for spring break in March plus the occasional 3 day weekend- and I was told I absolutely will not be excused from class for a wedding. I want it in December 2012 because it will have to travel to a different state and I will have a week before the wedding after finals and then a week afterwards to spend together before starting classes again - the campus is an hour away and I stay there during the week. My fiancee is saying that we can't do it in December because everyone goes away on vacation plus the weather will be bad (Michigan). He's mad that I'm insisting on something that inconveniences his relatives. I just want to have time before or after and not have to miss class. His family is 10x the size of mine so they are paying for the majority of the wedding but it's not fair that I will have to be stressed out with no time because they don't want to shorten their vacation to FL. How do I rectify this???
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