40-Plus Brides

Yikes.....nothing to complain about - weekend edition

Weight Watchers this week:  ended up gaining 2 oz.  But I'm okay with that.  TMI - been constipated ~ no seriously, actually BEING constipated as opposed to just looking like I am.  And then H thought a good way to help that would be to go to Macaroni Grill last night.  First time we've been out to dinner since I started WW so I was a little challenged by the options, but our waiter helped me out since his wife and mother are both doing WW.  I did however go a bit overboard with the bread and olive oil dipping.

Heading off to get eyebrows and 'stache done and then going north to see my best friend and my son.  He'll be over at her house to help out with some things around the house.  He likes having two mothers to tell him what to do Tongue out

And you all?

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