
We're Married!

Our day finally came, and it went by way too fast! It was wonderful and perfect, despite a few minor setbacks. For the most part my vendors were all great, reviews to come after the honeymoon. I'll jsut say ahead of time that Heidi was my saving grace and hiring a DOC last minute was a GREAT decision! I also decided to hire a videographer just 2 wks ago and went with Red Moments, he was Amazingly helpful and I am so greatful he was there, can't wait to see the dvd.
Thanks so much to all the girls on here that were so helpful along the way, it was a loooong year of planning but all the diy projects were so worth it. The whole day felt so personal and special.
We leave for our honeymoon  on saturday to RIviera Mya Mexico!! Can't wait!!!

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