
The last year we have to share our Anniversary with Christmas

this feels like a milestone in our engagement year!! We were set up and friends before we were officially together and the only thing we've had to go on as some form of an anniversary marker is Christmas Eve. We went to a Christmas party at a mutual friends house and FINALLY confessed our feelings and kissed for the first time. Tomorrow will mark our 10th year together!!
Having Christmas Eve as our marker is cute and all but it certainly wasn't much of an anniversary. For the first 5 yrs or so we would spend it apart in order to do Christmas with our own families, in the last few years we spend our time together and share it with our families which doesn't leave us a lot of alone time or much of a celebration just the two of us - usually it's no more than a quick kiss and acknowledgement of how many years it's been. No date, no chocolates, no cheesy romantic day dedicated to our anniversary LOL
It'll still be a marker of our first kiss but I'm happy that we'll have our very own day to celebrate us very soonSmile
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