Wedding Etiquette Forum


I am going to try to give the shortest version of this story possible.

My brother and his ex gf had a baby about 4 years ago - sweetest little girl ever, and I love her.  They were young when she was born. She is going to be our flower girl.  However, I never got along with her mom- even when she was with my brother.  She was manipulative and greedy, and she moved into my parents house for a little while after the baby was born only to tell them off, tell me off (because I was "coming home too late" - what is she? my mother?), etc.  This is after my parents put a roof over her head, paid for her food and all the babies food, clothes, etc.  She eventually moved out because it was getting hectic, but we started to get along a bit better.

They are no longer together anymore, because she thinks the world revolves around her.  My brother pays child support, gets his kid half the week, and even pays half her rent (not part of the child support agreement) because she cannot live on her own.  He is going to stop in December, and he has given her ample time to find another place.  My parents even told her she could move back in.  But she still calls my brother a dead beat dad, and lets the world know.

I invited her to the wedding, because her daughter is our flower girl and I want to be the bigger person.  But I made it clear that it was just for her.  Well, she calls my mom last week and tells her that she is bringing a date.  She didnt even had the guts to tell me.  And this was after my brother decided not to bring his gf of a year because he didnt want to start any arguing with his ex at my wedding.  I didnt even want to invite her in the first place, and now shes bringing a date?!  My brother still wont bring his gf, because he knows his ex will  blow up. 

My mom says this is better, since now my brothers ex will have someone to talk to since she doesnt really get along with my family.  So I let it slide.  But how rude to just call and say "hey I'm bringing someone."  This isnt your wedding.  This is ours.  This isnt like a birthday party or something.  My brother is respecting her by not bringing his gf, and  I think she is crossing a line. 

Just venting.
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