
Need help with flowers!

My honey and I are getting married this coming Spring, and when we set the date I immediately decided that I want lilacs. I wanted to have them everywhere so it was all anybody could smell at my wedding, but sadly, lilacs are hard to predict and I don't want to plan my wedding around them so my question is, what other heavily fragrant flowers bloom in mid-May?

Re: Need help with flowers!

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    I don't have an answer to your question, but just another perspective to consider...

    Do any of your guests have bad allergies?  If I were to attend your wedding, I would probably have to leave rather early because I have crazy allergies and strong scented flowers set me off.  Most flowers make me uncontrollably sneezy, but lilacs make me break out in hives if I'm exposed for too long. 

    What smells good to one person might be very off-putting for others.
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    I work in a medical Office and we can't wear Perfume because people are affected by Heavy Scents- Real Flower or Perfume- I'd do some Reaserch- find out if there are any hypo-allergenic perfume sprays????
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      Ask a professional about your preferred flowers, some people will grow them for you in Maine, Call karen at Fleur de lis in south portland she may know, I wanted blue flowers which are not easy to come by for my aug wedding and she got them for me, she will tell you what grows when, Ph to make certain colors and the like.  true professional

    n Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:98Discussion:273c731d-81fa-4e95-ac1e-8f43f4ef0a65Post:ef65225c-7169-4674-be36-b1e17f9f86c0">Need help with flowers!</a>:
    [QUOTE]My honey and I are getting married this coming Spring, and when we set the date I immediately decided that I want lilacs. I wanted to have them everywhere so it was all anybody could smell at my wedding, but sadly, lilacs are hard to predict and I don't want to plan my wedding around them so my question is, what other heavily fragrant flowers bloom in mid-May?
    Posted by blushingbride772791[/QUOTE]
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