September 2012 Weddings

Accountability - Friday

Wow, almost started this by writing Thursday... I guess I am still a day behind! I better get over that before it screws something up at work :)

Last night FI and I went out shopping for a treat for each of us for being so good with everything lately (budget both money and time, dealing with some personal stuff, etc) and I got a pilates kit including the ball style hand weights, resistance bands and the stability ball I wanted to get :) I can't wait to crack that sucker tonight and try it out tee hee hee, we didn't get home till like midnight last night so it wasn't an option then lol I needed SOME sleep before work lol

What was the last fitness related thing you guys treated yourself to? Are you running for anything as a goal? FI promised I could buy a bathing suit from Victoria Secret that I love when I hit my goal size :)

Today's Inspiration Picture:

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