Getting in Shape

So proud of my FI..a little bragging

Yesterday my FI and his father ran the OKC marathon (full) and finished under 5. I am so incredibly proud of him since this is his first marathon (his father's 26th). He was so disciplined and got up every morning 3 days a week and did his training before work. I am so incredibly proud of him for this.

Anyway, this has motivated me, a woman who has never run even a mile in her lifetime (except for gym class in HS). I told my FI that I would like to run this same marathon with him next year and have that be a goal of mine. He agreed to get me started and work with me to achieve this goal, so I am very excited to begin working with him this week. This will also be a good stress reliever in this crucial last month before the wedding, and some good bonding time for us as a couple. We will begin working this week, so wish me luck!
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