Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions


Does anyone know the venue price range on The Knot? Ex. $, $$, $$$, $$$$...etc. I can't seem to locate what they represent. Can anyone help??


  • The only thing I can think of doing is calling one or two (or more) of the places that you're interested in and asking them directly.
  • I found the pricing when looking under wedding dresses. There it said:
    $ - $600 or less
    $$ - $601 to $1500
    $$$ - $1501 to $3000
    $$$$ - $3001 to $5000
    $$$$$ - $5001 and up

    Not positive that this is the pricing used on the entire website, but I would record calling places you're interested to get a better idea, just as lplions has suggested. Hope that helps!
  • I don't think the pricing code is going to help because it's relative by region.  What is considered expensive in Kalamazoo would not be considered expensive in NYC.  The dress price range is specific to dresses.

    Best to call or email venues that interest you and ask their price per person.  They answer these inquiries all the time.
  • Just shoot them an email, I always got a response back with a PDF of their wedding packages. The ones that were too pricey I never responded to.

    And once you find one or two in a price range, it might be easier to knock out ones that are clearly over your budget.
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