Christian Weddings

The Wedding Night

Is anyone saving their self for marriage? Are you nervous for your wedding night?

Re: The Wedding Night

  • I replied to your other post in Honeymoons as well. 
    I used to be reeaally nervous like almost scared nervous. But maybe it's because I have had a long engagement, maybe it's because I KNOW he is the right one, there is a number of reasons I sopose, but I am not scared anymore. I am sure partly it's because I know he's a virgin too, so we will both be new at it. Now, I am not scared, if fact I can hardly wait! My advice is to pray about it, and think about all the pretty stuff you can wear, and not about when it's no longer on. lol  Hope this helps.
    Also, if you don't mind, how old are you? This might have some effect on how you feel as well.
  • We saved ourselves during the 2 years we were 2gether... We were both nervous ... yes we both had past experiances but they were long long before we met etc. So it was more brand new then you would think... We werent sure if we were going to that night because we didnt want to feel pressured and nervous ... Pray pray pray and trust me it will work out just fine :) I was to excited at that point to be nervous anymore...
    Love is All You Need
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