Just Engaged and Proposals

My engagement story =)

I had to put this up because I was actually very impressed by the whole event.
My, at the time, boyfriend Matt, and I decided to go on a cruise for our spring break/2 year anniversary, as well as to celebrate my mom's recent wedding (we had her, her new husband and some family on the ship too). He seemed very anxious which is odd for him because he usually is stressed out of his mind before big trips, trying to get everything organized. Our first few days on the cruise were awesome. We mostly just hung out and relaxed by the pool rather than going out to all the shows and what not, but our 3rd day on the cruise he had decided that he REALLY wanted to go to this American Idol karaoke contest they were having. This isn't abnormal because he does love his karaoke so I agreed. That night the whole group of us were at dinner Matt excused himself early saying that he wanted to go check out the rules for the karaoke contest and sign up. My family and I met up with him about 20 minutes later in the lounge where the contest was being held and he was picking out his songs for the evening. A few contestants in they announcer called his name and went to the stage, took the mic and said "This song is dedicated to my girlfriend Dana." He sang Amazed by the group Lonestar and when he finished he walked down the aisle toward me, knelt down and said "I want to spend the res tof my life with you. Will you marry me?" He proposed in front of an audience of around 200 people and, as it turns our, my mom had helped him plan it. A very memorable moment AND we have it on video! =)
My Bio: Updated 5/18/11

June 2011
My Morgan!


Miss Dayna

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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