Wedding Woes

Wolverine = cute

I typically drop Wolverine off at daycare. Since she's walking now (probably 75% of the time) -I get her to walk into the building every morning. I hold her hand in the parking lot, but let go once we're inside.

She usually goes straight for the little chairs once she's in the classroom because she has breakfast at daycare every day. This morning was no exception. I gave her a kiss, and took a few steps back. The teacher told her to say bye to mommy -and she looked at me, smiled, and walked over and hugged my legs. Then she went back over to the (low) high chairs. it was really sweet.

(also, an update: she hasn't been bitten yet this week, but the biter is still  in her class. they have been taking her over to the young toddlers class some days to check things out. she was sitting at a table with some of the other kids, eating crackers, when i picked her up on Monday. I can't believe how quickly she is developing!)

and since you took the time to skim, a picture from a few weeks ago:

Re: Wolverine = cute

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