Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Just wondering

We just got engaged but I am already feeling stressed about the planning lol, I am a planner and like to have ideas in my head before I jump into them...but thats not the reason I am posting, my FI is from the Ukraine and is Russian so I was wondering if anyone knows what wedding traditions they might have so that we can incorprate them into our wedding. I know the FI wants some Russian food at the wedding but, my family will not eat it. And then our religions are different IK was raised Catholic, but I want to convert to Judaism, but my family is against it saying it is hyprocritical to get married in a synagogue, since my FI is Jewish, I would like to have a wedding were i can make my family happy and his, so we were thinking justice of the peace officate the wedding. But I would really prefer to have a Jewish wedding, is there a way if we have a justice of the peace  officate that we could incorprate jewish traditions?

Re: Just wondering

  • Thank you, we are paying for the wedding as far as i know...I'm looking for a full time job and working a part time job to pay for it lol so im pretty sure we are paying
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Just wondering</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thank you, we are paying for the wedding as far as i know...I'm looking for a full time job and working a part time job to pay for it lol so im pretty sure we are paying
    Posted by amandasturenne[/QUOTE]

    Well then, if you guys are paying it is 100% your own choice! If what you and FI want is a Jewish wedding then go for it!!
  • Thank you, I didnt think of that, I know we are having some Russian food and some American food.
  • I attended a wedding where the groom was a Russian Jew. There were salads on the tables. These included herring, caviar and chumas. The rest of the meal was typical American food. There were bottles of vodka on the tables of the Russian guests.
  • I am in a similar situation, as I am American and my fiance is Armenian and was born in Russia. His family has a lot of ideas about food and traditions, and it's been overwhelming trying to satisfy everyone. What I decided after speaking to my cousin's wife, who gives excellent advice, is that the only people we need to worry about are the two of us. Of course I want to respect his family and include as many customs and traditions as possible, but not to the point of sacrificing what's important to me. So he and I are including the traditions that are important to him, and I have asked his mother and sisters what they would like to have included as well. I think speaking to family is better than doing an online search, because they may have personal family traditions that are important to them.
    As for the religion aspect, it will be difficult to please everyone again. If you and your fiance are paying, technically no one can rightfully tell you what you can and can't do. More than anything, I would say do what makes you happy so you can look back one day and be 100% satisfied with your choices instead of having regrets.
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