Wedding Cakes & Food Forum

Vegetarian Menu?

So I'm a vegetarian & FI is not.  We decided to have a meat entree (with veggie option, of course) at the insistence of my parents, who are paying.  I'm fine with it, but it got me wondering - would you be upset if you went to a wedding & it was an all-vegetarian menu?  Just curious!

Re: Vegetarian Menu?

  • UDscoobychickUDscoobychick member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Personally, nope, not at all...I give up meat for Lent every year, and I don't eat it particularly frequently the rest of the year either.  For me, if it's there, I'll eat it, but if it's not, I won't miss it.  That being said, I think a lot of people would be upset at if there were only veggie options.
  • edited December 2011
    I would not mind, I go for a vegetarian option half the time anyway, but most of the time the veggie option is pretty bland at weddings, its usually an afterthought, but you will have better food, as you know what you like. :) long story short, that would be fine, good food doesnt need meat.
  • kee80kee80 member
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    edited December 2011
    I've always thought that, as long as the food was yummy, people wouldn't mind too much if it was meatless.  My mother kept insisting that people would be upset, so I agreed ont he veggie option.  I agree, good food doesn't need meat :)
  • pavingtheroadpavingtheroad member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Yes and no... as long as the food is good I'd be fine with it. But just remember if you were at a wedding and there was no veggie option you would be upset so maybe keep that in mind
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  • edited December 2011
    I would be so happy. I'm a vegetarian and if I go to one more event where all I'm eating for dinner is salad and bread....
    <img src="
  • edited December 2011
    I doubt anyone would really be offended.  You might get a few "where's mah steak" jokes if you have that sort of uncle.  (These being the same sort of folks who would make jokes at my mom's turkey-less thanksgiving dinner, but come back every year for more vegetarian food and eat three helpings of it.) 

    People will say "eww, vegetarian food" and think of steamed vegetables and tofu, but if you actually point to a specific food, they'll generally be happy.  Like an informal example: "all vegetarian lunch" versus "pizza lunch" -- no-one will be unhappy at a pizza lunch if it's just cheese and veggie pizzas.  (Well, okay, vegans and people with dairy allergies, but having a pepperoni pizza there won't solve that.) 
  • edited December 2011
    i would be fine with it for myself, but i wouldn't choose a menu like that for other people. it is hard enough just making sure that there are enough vegetarian hors d. and appetizers. i used to do events professionally and every crowd is different. for one set of people, they would never think of having an event with a non-beef main course, whereas the other group i worked for would have been HORRIFIED to serve beef instead of fish. it all depends on the standard in your area.
  • edited December 2011
    Nope. I wouldn't be offended at all! We eat seasonally - so in summer when I do most of the shopping at the farmer's market, it's all about eating and celebrating (as cheesetastic as that sounds) what ever is season. There are so many fantastic vegetarian dishes out there (think porcini risotto with mascarpone) that people would be so wowed by that they wouldn't think about meat missing from the meal.
  • edited December 2011
    i am a vegetarian, fi is not. my bridal party, however, is vegan. sooo, since 2 entree selections are included in my price, we are offering one vegan and one meat. it doesnt really make me all that happy, or my vegan friends who will have to smell meat all night- but what can you do?
  • kabrownikabrowni member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    My Fiance and I are vegetarian practically vegan and we have decided that we are going to have all vegetarian and some vegan dishes at the reception.  (Vegan lasgana, Vegetarian Lime Orzo, Couscous with Mushrooms and Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Dill Red Potato and Green Bean Salad and Veggie Kabobs. Also a salad and fruit bar) My parents are not entirely happy about it, but they respect that it is important to me and my Fiance, plus it does have some variety!  I think the hardest thing so far was finding a caterer in our price range that had other options BESIDES steamed veggies or salty-cheesy vegetarian lasagna.  I just hope most of my guests will be understanding.Laughing

  • edited December 2011
    I'm a Wisconsin bride (home of beer, cheese, and brats) but my fiance and I are both long-term vegetarians.

    We're deciding on an all veggie menu now, with vegan options, and are already running into oposition from my immediate family... I'm trying to not be defensive about it, but it's a lifestyle choice that really means a lot to the both of us. I can't tell you how many family parties and events that I've gone to where I've had to either bring my own food, or eat before I go. So, it just doesn't seem to make sense to us be the exception to the rule on our own wedding day. I want to be able to eat everything that is served, for once!

    Has anyone out there had a vegetarian wedding already? How did it go over...? Answers from brides with 'Meat and potato' families would be greatly appreciated! :)
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