Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Headdress vendor!

Ok, so I just wanted gush about this a little and I can't do it in front of my FI.  ^_^;

A friend of one of my BMs does costume and corsetry, and since I'm having a corset with my dress, we talked about it and she's making that for me.  She also does headdress jewlery and wire wraps, and since that's something I've always wanted, I had her do one for my wedding to attach my veil to.  And it's SO PRETTY!!  I picked it up yesterday and I LOVE how it came out!

(crappy picture because it was sent through text and i didn't get a chance to take one myself)

Anyhoo, if you're looking for something like that or a corset, I highly recommend her.  ^_^


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